Accomplish something today

Accomplish something. That’s it. Do it. Get one thing done. Even if it seems tiny or insignificant to you. Even if it doesn’t feel like it’s going to make a difference. It is going to. Grab onto that piece of hope, that sense of pride you feel in accomplishing something. Some days are going to…


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accomplish something once a day

Accomplish something.

That’s it.

Do it.

Get one thing done.

Even if it seems tiny or insignificant to you.

Even if it doesn’t feel like it’s going to make a difference.

It is going to.

Grab onto that piece of hope, that sense of pride you feel in accomplishing something.

Some days are going to be really difficult. I know they are for me. But I can remember how, when I was feeling low a couple weeks back, all I did was reorganize a dresser drawer that desperately needed it. Folded the items nicely and placed things into their own spaces.

It literally was one drawer that impacted the rest of my day.

Another time I was struggling through the workday. Having a hard time motivating myself and keeping confident in my capabilities – pushing away the imposter syndrome. Things just kept piling on and nothing felt good enough. It’s hard to decipher sometimes between what’s going well and what your brain is tricking you into thinking – depression kicks you down and anxiety tries to hold you there. It’s messy and stressful. 

But work needs to be done. Life doesn’t let you take breaks whenever you need them.

So then what?

I stared at my long list of things to get done, just thinking. Trying to come up with a solution. That day, my bit of saving grace was as small as grabbing a piece of content to publish on social media. It was nothing radical, the image was ready to go. I repurposed existing content, pulled in the graphic and scheduled the post to publish later in the day.

And I felt better. Not 100%, glass-half-full, feeling like myself better, but progress had been made. There was pride in accomplishing something, even if it’s minuscule.

It could be enough momentum to get you back on track. Or it could be enough to simply bring a smile to your face.

Either way, it’s important because you’re important.

Your mental health is important. Take care of it.

The thing is, it’s not going to be taken care of all in one fell swoop.

Accomplish something.

Once a day. Every day.

One day at a time.

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