10 Reminders on World Mental Health Day

Happy World Mental Health Day, friends! Today is a day to promote the awareness of mental illness and the impacts that it has on our daily lives. In the spirit of transparency, I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety earlier this year. After struggling for months feeling lost, overwhelmed and stressed, I finally sought help.…


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10 reminders on world mental health day

Happy World Mental Health Day, friends! Today is a day to promote the awareness of mental illness and the impacts that it has on our daily lives.

In the spirit of transparency, I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety earlier this year. After struggling for months feeling lost, overwhelmed and stressed, I finally sought help. It was truly one of the best decisions I could have ever made. Though I’m still working through challenges every day, I’m becoming myself again. So lace up your sneakers, slap on some chapstick and get ready because it’s time to remember your worth.

“Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.”

Albus Dumbledore

Here are some really important reminders:

  1. You are stronger than you know. It won’t always be evident while you struggle, but know that it’s true – the strength is there.
  2. Not every day will be good. As much progress as you make, as many good days that you have, remember that you’ll still have difficult days. And that’s okay because you are stronger than you know, remember?
  3. You are brave.
  4. It’s okay to cry.
  5. It’s okay to feel angry or frustrated.
  6. You are not alone.
  7. Be kind to yourself.
  8. Take a break once in a while.
  9. Your existence makes the world a better place.
  10. Stay optimistic – you will get through this.

One of my favorite things to remember is that it’s a bad day, not a bad life.

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